Shish Ka Bobs 31st and Garnett.

I love some great middle eastern lamb shank and some awesome cabbage rolls with some Baba ganush. The lamb was so tender.. And the taste was amazing.. The cabbage rolls were sooooo meaty… and all else was amazing as well..


Redrock Canyon Grill 96th and Rierside

This place makes an incredible meals.  I had the half chicken and ribs meal and Tiertia had the Chicken and avocado salad and we finished with the Key lime pie..  It was and incredible dinner and cant wait to go back again. 

Stone Horse Cafe @ Utica Square 21st and Utica

The first plate is mushrooms sautéed in a veal demi glaze.  Next is a chicken  apple sausage over an incredible mix o veggies.  And then there is a plate o  meatloaf grilled and made o amazing meats.. So yummy and charred..  Then lastly .. The grilled duck breast.   This was an amazing meal.   and we all were put over the edge with the incredible taste

Andales 61st and Yale

First you are able to get 4 kinds o sauce.   A fresco made o fresh herbs and tomatoes,  next is the mild, to me it just tasted like tomatoes. Next was chipotle.. It was seasoned well and smoky..   And last was the hot and it was hot hot…  The Queso was ok.,.   Needed more spice or seasoning…..

Next is the main course, I ordered the Pick three with beans and rice.  First you can have either refried or boccara beans. And rice.  And then I ordered  beef taco,  and the toppings were on the side and there was so much o it..   Next I had  beef enchilada with cheese sauce and then a pork tamale..     The beef in the taco and enchilada. Was seasoned so well and so yummy.. The pork in the tamale was great and so was the corn around the tamale..   All was great and I will be back..   I may not order the rice again .  Or the refried beans. But the Boccara beans were great..