Tacos San Pedro @ 71st and Memorial, accross 71st from Woodland Hills Mall

I just happen to be driving in the parking lot and found this place, I thought I would give it a try.  I got the San Pedro Sampler.  It has lots of different things that I was able to try.  I had a real taco, a gordita, and a sope, and a flauta, an enchilada, and a chicken tamale, quesadilla, and beans, guacamole,  pico de gallo and sour cream. I ordered  pastor (spicy pork) meat on the platter. This was an incredible meal.  and for all I got,  you would think I would have had to pay a lot for all of this food. But, it was only $10.25.   I would pay $15.00 for this platter and still feel like I was getting a great deal.

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